yi - ghow - y - u - poo - lee - flung - low
tar - ri - oz - beng - thwack - shite
spaz - boy
yi - ghow - y - u - poo - lee - flung - low
tar - ri - oz - beng - thwack - shite
spaz - boy
why don't we show our support and our outrage at the same time to the governing body for their actions towards bill bowan, barb, and all the silentlambs and see how many we can flood into the wtbs headquarters.
what do you think??
edited by - orangefatcat on 26 july 2002 9:48:39edited by - orangefatcat on 26 july 2002 9:49:37.
You forget the mentality you are wrestling with here. Remember -
So then, you will only make the JW opening the mail and those who see the letters happy. Is it really worth the effort?
Bill is viewed as an apostate and somebody to be avoided and all friends of Bills will either be frowned on or avoided. He is a plague upon the society and will be viewed in this way.
this is a sign we should make up and hang on doors in our neighborhoods.. .
just a idea.
I get the point - but its a tad over the top.
I usually just say no thank-you myself. Or simply don't answer the door.
local elder called tonite, with a witness on the phone to ask if it is true we were smoking ?
we said yes, and we know who told on us.
it was a ms who was at the club just last week with another woman, not his wife of course, while she was at the meeting.
Not sure which is worse - smoking or Christmas.
Never went back to either when I walked away. Used to smoke weed a lot and used to celebrate Christmas before I got involved with JWs. Never felt comfortable with either.
I'd say drop both myself and find a new way to live.
Christmas to me is as much a bind and burden as any other ritual that society throws our way.
Very interesting indeed - keep up the good work
whenever the topic of secret societies surfaces on this forum, many ignore it like a plague.
it amazes how some can make a quick judgement and shrug it off as though it's garbage talk.
yet, how many have made any 'serious' research on this subject.. for the benefit of some, the following names are people who wrote about various (secret societies)organizations that have controlling influence.. gary allen, dr. john coleman, count leon de poncins, william guy carr,myron c. fagan, eusatce mullins, george armstrong and the recent passing of antony sutton.
A question for you:
When you know that you are controlled, does it take the control away ?
i have the impulse to start a thread on dreams.
bad dreams, my dreams, your dreams and "wet" dreams.
first of all, my dreams.
I think I exist in a hypnotic state most of the day anyway
Am I asleep - am I awake ?
i have the impulse to start a thread on dreams.
bad dreams, my dreams, your dreams and "wet" dreams.
first of all, my dreams.
Refiners Fire :
I noticed patterns to certain dreams, especially the more disturbing ones and before I went to sleep I would think about the pattern or image of the dream, that would likely occur at some stage.
For instance - being trapped in a building and being hunted by dogs. I would think of the dogs. When I entered the dream state, I would be partially aware of the dream imagery from my semi-conscious mind and then gain a little control. I need a gun, find a gun, there is a gun on a crate etc. Then I'd have the gun and could fight back. It seemed to work via triggers, because I had imagined the dream before sleeping, the dream would be more likely to occur that night and therefore because I had created the dream, I had more control. Thats all I can say to explain this.
I think it works by being able to detach oneself partially from the dream scenario and take an over view.
I used to concentrate before I slept on images and then low and behold, quite often during the night I would enter a dream and those images would appear. This obviously worked with sexual imagery, violent imagery or mundane imagery.
Thats all - must fly ......
i have the impulse to start a thread on dreams.
bad dreams, my dreams, your dreams and "wet" dreams.
first of all, my dreams.
I used to be constantly chased and attacked in my dreams, until I learnt to control the dream. I now have the ability to summon forth say, a weapon of choice, and then turn and fire on my pursuers.
My dreams tend to be very vivid and for the most part disturbing. Horrible visions etc.
Other dreams tend to be mundane and ritualistic. You know, going through daily routines, almost as if you are leading your life through a dream.
Now you are bored ... I'll bugger off !
i dont know if you been asked this before but what made you give up your religious beliefs,i assume that not all on here were jehovahs witnesses so if you were not please say.well i will telll you why i left, i got baptised as a jw 2 yrs ago and then started to notice say 6 months after baptism that the followers didnt really heed the what they were being taught it didnt seem to motivate them in their hearts, to say display genuine love it was more like a routine to them to be at meetings,talk to same ones,read watchtowers,it seemed so mechanical like robots,im not saying this is what caused me leave because i was serving genuinely i was really interested in practising what i preached,but i found it hard because everyone wasnt trying to do the samething.so then gradually i started to question things and then i got the internet last year and was itching to look on these so called apostate sites,you see i wanted to prove these sites wrong but in the end i was proved wrong with things like prophecies,jws past history,etc.
so thats my story
For me, I suffered with depression/anxiety and felt burdened by the guilt of the TRUTH .... every way I turned, guilt was heaped on my shoulders. I had problems at the meetings (couldn't answer-up/couldn't join in basically) and I know that this was frowned upon. Matters just got worse & worse and I felt more isolated with my problems. I started drinking, daily, and eventually shut myself away.
The brothers around me at that time had no idea how to handle me and obviously the advice was - go out in the ministry or have faith in Jah etc .... not at all useful for me personally.
I was also told by a loving sister?!? not to seek professional help for my troubles - council outside of the organization, was likely to be guided by Satan to lead me away from the TRUTH. The same (mad!) sister who once told me that she had demonised bed linen - don't ask !
I then witnessed terrible hypocrisy through so called brothers?!? Who were getting up to tricks, that I could not reconcile with Christian faith. Heavy drinking, messing around with sisters and general back stabbing.
I can appreciate the view that brothers were mechanical in their dealings - I saw this as well - devoid of fellow feeling for the most part. A show of empathy, but nothing that went below the surface.
I then met a sister who was nearly exploding with the burden of the truth.... and basically, we crept off together and vanished.